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Rules |
I work very hard on this blog. I spend countless hours on developing and finding recipes to share. I also dedicate a large part of my time researching information and resources that will be of benefit to you, my reader. I want to be a resource for individuals and fellow bloggers. I believe in paying it forward and in random acts of kindness and will help you in any way I can. Having said that, I have a few rules that I request be followed when it comes to Real Food Girl: Unmodified.
Please give proper credit if you share or feature any of my recipes or photos on your blog.
- Please contact me directly if you would like to print one of my recipes for distribution of any kind (books, magazines, community cookbooks, etc).
- Please use your own photos unless you have prior written consent/permission from me. You must keep my watermark/copyright intact AND source the photo with a link back to my blog. Trust me when I say that your readers will prefer your personal pictures over mine.
- I keep diligently maintained records of all correspondence surrounding permission to use any of my photos. I take this very seriously. If I find proof that one of my photos was used without permission, I will actively pursue corrective action up to and including legal action if necessary. It pays to ask for permission first.
- For every 1 photo of something I post on my blog I have 10 additional shots of that picture that I did not post. I do this as an additional safeguard to protect my copyrighted property against thieves and to establish ownership of each photo.
- All photos on my blog that were not taken by me were either used with permission, paid for/purchased, credited and linked back to the source or genuinely believed to be public domain content.
- If you want to feature one of my recipes on your blog, please rewrite the recipe in your own words. I would prefer it if you didn't just copy and paste. This avoids the negative impact of duplicate content on the web- for both our sites. Google + dings sites that share duplicate content. It hurts both my blog and yours, so rewrite the recipe, directions and post in your own words.
- If you feature one of my recipes, please mention my site/recipe in the content of your blog post and provide a back link to my blog, AND- put the following verbiage under the recipe title: RECIPE ADAPTED FROM: Real Food Girl: Unmodified. "Real Food Girl: Unmodified" should be a hyperlink to the exact page in my blog where my recipe is located. This rule must be followed- no exceptions. It's just good blogging etiquette to give proper credit where credit is due.
- Please remember PINNING etiquette: Do NOT put my entire recipe in the pin! This blog is my career. Although the income isn't much at the moment, my family is on the verge of losing almost everything so even a little income helps us tremendously. By placing my entire recipe in a pin it makes it unnecessary to visit my site and that makes me lose income. So please don't steal from me, and don't disregard common pinning courtesies.
- Please do not duplicate my written content in any way. I work very hard and spend countless hours writing posts, pages, articles and recipes for this blog, and I don't charge for this, so please be respectful of my work. Duplicating content isn't just wrong, it's bad for business. It hurts our Google rankings because it will be indexed as duplicate and repeat content. If you would like to share something from Real Food Girl: Unmodified, please rewrite it in your own words, summarize, or paraphrase and link to the text on my site rather than cutting and pasting. If your unsure, email me before hand.
- I actively pursue legal action against stolen content. So Pin, share and use with care. Email me if you are unsure. I'm here to help.
All my pictures, blog titles, posts and blog content are copyrighted. I actively pursue stolen and plagiarized content. It is better to ask for my permission than to ask for my forgiveness. Bloggers/people who steal content from me, that isn't theirs, will be made an example of ONLINE! Please don't make me release the hounds on you and don't make me tell the entire world wide web that you've stolen from me. I will engage in any legal resource possible to ensure the stolen content is removed and the situation is rectified.
My intent is NEVER to steal form anyone. Ever! If you feel I have posted something that belongs to you, please let me know and I will take it down within a 24 hour period. I work hard to make sure content/images were either my personal property, purchased for my use, used with permission or believed to be public domain. I would never post stolen content intentionally. That's just not how I roll.
To the extent that anyone posts something on my site (via comments or guest post) that is stolen content/material from another site and I am sued for it, the responsible person will pay me back for the cost of that lawsuit, as well as reimburse me for any damages and losses that I incurred as a result of that lawsuit which was a direct result of posting stolen or copyrighted content on my blog without the owner's permission.
Real Food Girl: Unmodified was created by (me) Kristine Cocchiarella. This business was formed in the state of Minnesota and it operates out of the state of Minnesota. The fact that you are accessing or operating this site from any other state or country does not mean that I am conducting business in that state or country.
I am not a trained dietitian, nutritionist or medical professional. I am studying to become a nutritionist however. Despite this, the information that I share on this blog is based on much research, personal experience and facts...with a few opinions sprinkled in. The information I share isn't meant to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Always listen to the advice that your family physician gives.
Reader comments that are mean, rude, off topic, profane, violent, spam or totally inappropriate will be deleted. Don't liter my blog with your trash. Let's keep this community a safe, happy, inviting, fun place to be. Respect the opinions of others. I don't do drama. If you do, please feel free to lose the address to my blog and don't return.
Not everyone shares the views I have regarding GMOs. This is a hot topic full of very intense discussions by energetic and impassioned people. You do not have to agree with me on GMOs, but you do need to follow the golden rule and also extend some courtesy and respect my way. If you troll around my blog and spread hate, spite, division, and anger you will be banned and blocked and comments will be deleted. My blog is not your playground. This blog is NO place for that type of atmosphere. We do not have to agree or see eye to eye, but we do need to act out in kindness. If you love GMOs, good for you. This blog isn't the correct place for you so feel free to find blogs run by like-minded people who love GMOs. I'm not one of them. This is my blog, my passion, my opinions, my experiences, and my story.
I love interacting with all of you. I enjoy reading your comments and thoughts on my blog and Facebook page. I also like to have fun, joke around and be a little irreverent. Having said that, with many personality types out there and lots of fans/followers and readers it's likely I'll step on some toes or ruffle feathers from time to time (unintentionally of course). If I perterb or upset you, know there are plenty of other places online where you can go and find like-minded people. Know that I am not going to change who I am, nor am I going to change my passion or my mission to cater to the interests/sensitivities of others. If you are dissatisfied or disturbed in any manner with Real Food Girl: Unmodified or your use of Real Food Girl: Unmodified , then your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of Real Food Girl: Unmodified. It's that simple. I've spent long enough being addicted to the approval of others and I'm not going to do it any more! I can't possibly make all of the people happy all of the time.
Thank you for reading through this. If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to email me! I'm here to help.
Real Food Girl
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Nothing makes me happier than people who have thoughts, comments, ideas or questions to share. I look forward to reading all comments and encourage you to leave one...or more. I only ask that you keep it clean and abide by the Golden Rule.