November 3, 2012

I have no clue what I'm doing

Welcome to my blog.  I'm super excited that you're here! 

After scouring the web with a fine toothed comb, I noticed that it is severely lacking in food related blogs and therefore I felt led to help fill the gap.  I'm kidding. There definitely are a lot of food blogs out there, and I have my favorites, I'm sure you do, too.  My hope is that as I get the hang of this that I will become one of your favorite blogs to follow, and that I can be one of your go-to places to find great, reliable recipes. 

I'm fulfilling my dream of becoming a blogging chef-nutritionist and am delusional hopeful enough to think that people will want to read about food from my perspective and from my experiences.

So what will KaceyCooks be all about?

Um, well. Food. It's going to be about food.  Food recipes, food tips, food tricks, food nightmares, good food, bad food, real food, and whole food. I don't work with a lot of fake or processed foods, but on occasion a can of condensed soup may find its way into a recipe.  But only when my MSG levels are dangerously low.

I'll share with you some of my culinary school adventures, taunt you with drool inducing photos from my very snazzy iPhone camera.  Okay, that's a lie.  My iPhone takes terrible pictures. I'm just currently unable to afford the lens I need to shoot really great close up food pictures with a real grown up camera.  So, maybe we can just pretend that my pictures are drool inducing until such a time that I can take more professional looking photos.

Nevertheless, isn't that what starting something new is all about?  You don't have all the resources or gadgets or finances to make it flashy, but you have heart, determination, soul and a desire to share the talents and experiences and passions that you do have with others?  And along the way, you grow, make some changes, take better photos, get a new customized design and layout for your blog and you go from having a dream in its infancy to a full fledged dream with wings!

When it comes to the finer points in blogging, I honestly don't know what I'm doing.  I am truly learning as I go.  I'm sure I'll make mistakes, but it's all good. I've never been afraid to make mistakes.  Heck, if you want to be a part of the culinary industry, you cannot be afraid to make mistakes. It's how you learn.  Having said that,  given some time, this blog should end up being rather superfabulicious.  Yes, I said super-fab-u-licious.  I make up words. It's what I do. Embrace it.

I make up so many words that I actually got one of my former bosses to use the word "Dollarly" as in "A dollarly amount" over and over in a really important business meeting with potential new clients.  He'd overheard me saying it, thought it sounded intelligent (joke was on him!) and the poor guy looked like a fool.  I'd feel bad about it, but he wasn't the most ethical person in the world, so I feel I was able to assist Karma in some way.
TSM and I
I have been blissfully married for almost 17 years to TSM.  TSM stands for The Stud Muffin. TSM has two fantastic kids from a previous marriage with a not-so-well-known International Film Star from the 80's. Alright, that's not true, she wasn't/isn't famous and she wasn't/isn't a film star and she's not from overseas, but he does have two great kids.  They've given us 4 adorable grandchildren. They make me smile and melt my heart.

TSM and I have 2 Golden Retrievers.  "Little Girl" (She's 7, and about as perfect as a dog can be) and "Spazzhat"- (He's 3, has zero manners and is the only dog in the world who is incapable of being self-aware. Don't let that precious face and those big, watery brown eyes fool you). They're not really named Little Girl and Spazzhat, I'll share their true identities in future posts.
My beautiful Golden... aka spazzhat
Spazzhat pretending he's going to let me have that garden tool.
My pretty, and super sweet Golden Retriever
Little Girl jonsing for my pizza crust.

We also have a tiny ninja spy kitty named Camilla Bean. Don't let the princess-type name deceive you.  This cat is a deadly, fur-lined weapon of mass destruction.  Actually, I lied, she doesn't destroy anything, and she's not really a ninja.  She's a manic-depressive washed up diva who has an addiction to every type of plastic packaging known to man and has a melt down if I don't let her chew on the used lint roller tape before throwing it away. 
Ninja spy kitty
Camilla Bean yelling at the AT&T Rep.
Camilla Bean is a plastic-adhesive junkie who stays strung out on Target bags so she doesn't have to deal with the fact that she's being held captive by incompetent humans against her will.  But she was a shelter rescue, so I talk her up because she was treated terribly in her two previous homes before we adopted her.  If I tell people she's a super cool ninja spy kitty, she doesn't eat me in my sleep- so it's a win-win for everyone.  She may only be 7 pounds, but she's danger people.  Pure D-A-N-G-E-R.  Don't believe me?  Look at her fierceness as she tears the customer service rep from AT&T a new one... Camilla is NOT a fan of excessive fees on her cell phone bill.

I suppose that about sums up a little bit about me, TSM, my family and this blog.  Stay tuned, I'll start posting recipes soon!

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